After the tradegy in New York andWashington, the question arrises....WHAT WILL HAPPEN IF MANILA IS ATTACKED???Well if that happens, than there canbe no comparison. That's because inManila, we are much better preparedfor these kind of attacks....
1. We do not have tall buildings. Theonly large structure that can be seenfrom above is the Marcos Monument inIlocos and terorists are welcome totarget that.
2. We all get to our jobs late in themorning especially governmentemployees so at 8:45am there wont beany sufficient people to kill even at10am also!
3. Firefighters and police officerswill do their best not to get to thesite on time (cause filipino's neverseem to be on time). They will reachthere just in time when everything isover so there would be no casualtiesamong them.
4. Philippine Airlines would've surelyfouled up the terrorists plans by onceagain being delayed or crashed beforereaching the terrorists target dur tomechanical problems.
5. A Filipino wouldnt have used hiscellphone to call home. We would'vehit the terrorist on the head with it!
6. If a terrorist was living in Manilafor one year, he would've been robbedor molested soo much that he would'vegiven up and gone back to his homecountry.
7. In Manila, the terrorist would havenot gotton the flight manuel, theywould've had to pay for it.You See...... In Manila We Are WellPrepared!!!!!