our saturday turns out good and we had a lot of fun as family.we start our day by worshiping and praising God then headed towards our church as a family.my friend Ate jen then invited us to have a family get together at highland village park.they prepared some games and of course the highlight which is filipino food.We had so much fun as in.i get mad and a little bit disappoiinted coz i totally forgot to put my camera in my bag.this is the reason why i dont have any pics to be posted here.I ask jiji my other friend to send me a copy of the picture.she said its not yet downloaded.Oh well i just have to wait..hehehhe..i was very full last sat and i am so very tired.elijah had a blast too.their were a lot of kids that was in there that he can play with.one of them is jiji's son.hmm his buddy i should say..hehehhe..anyway we come home at 10 o clock in the evening and i was very very tired.i am so ready to go to bed, but what the heck!my baby is still wide awake..my he's still have energy to run around the house and messed with his mommy and daddy.finally at 11 he asleep.I met a lot of filipinos that i havent meet here in texas..tell you friends i already have tons of filipino friends here in texas..all in all maybe they will reache to more than 30 including my friends in mckinney and yesterday i realized i still have tons of filipino people that i havent meet and get to know with.we'll i am glad ate jen invited us...thanks ate jen and the family..i really had fun yesterday..and be able to add a new circle of friends in my list..hehhehe..weell thats all for now friends..need to go now..my hubby ask some lovin so i better give him some..heheheheh bye and God blesss...