Tuesday, March 26, 2013


I was really scared when i logged in to my bloggers account and found out that my main blog was deleted and was marked as spam. actually this is the blog. I know in my heart that my blog is not a spam at all and i did not violate any TOS.Anyway, I make an appeal to restore my blog back. I've waited for days and was scared that maybe I did violate any TOS and i just did not know it and they finally decided to just delete my blog. I was just waited patiently for their reply and thank God i got an email from them telling me that my blog was just mistakenly deleted and restore my blog to be visible online.Yup! I am a happy blogger right now. If this thing happen to you guys, just wait for them to review your blog after you send them a restore notice. They surely get back to you and will tell you the reason why they delete you blog,.