Saturday, January 26, 2013


I am so really impressed and amazed how much money i saved by using coupons. I tell you, i start using coupons and combined it with the store deal, i only pay a little money to get the things that we need inside the house. I pay 2 dollars for the box of diapers. 50 cents for my husbands shampoo and sometimes its free. it is so funny because i have a lot of stuff in my cart but after coupons, i only have to pay a dollar. Now, i have enough shampoos, lotions, toilet paper, paper towel, diapers,wet wipes supply enough for one year. I only buy the things that i really need inside the house. and i buy thing that wont perish easily. Well i am really proud of myself and i plan to keep doing it until i have the baby. I know once i give birth i cant shop anymore!