Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Confirmed that It's A boy...

We went to my 20th week ultra sound last month and the tech told us that we are going to have another boy. Well, i want a second opinion. So last monday on my next visit to my Obgyn, I ask her to rechecked if it is really a boy. And yeah, the boy part is so evident. I can even see it clearly. So now, I am 100 percent sure that we are going to have another boy in my family. It is indeed a very exciting news for me. I have been wanting for another boy and the confirmation last monday just bring joy to my heart. I am excited and could not wait to see him and hold him. I wanna see how he looks like. I wanna know if he got his dad looks or if he look like his brother. I have a lot of question that will be answered 3 mos after. I am really praying to God for giving me a healthy baby and help me on my delivery.