Monday, October 22, 2007

winter is here

winter is officially here..we are already in 60 degress means its getting cold outsite..our house start getting cold that i need to turn on our house heater to keep us warm. I went to walmart yesterday and bought a vitamin C. Since i arrived here in USA i always notice that everytime its winter i always had flue bot only me but also my husband and my baby too. I let elijah take a vitamins and I am hoping it will help him not to get sick this winter season. My husband is already sick. he is been complaining since yesterday that his head is hurt and that he feels like he has a cold coming.I let him drink his vitamin C but i doubt it can help..well hopefully he will be feeling good and will get well soon before he can contaminate us.This is why i dont like winter for we always got about you friends? anyway i need to get going now..i still need to fold some of our clean clothes..ciao