Friday, September 14, 2007

new update

It's been a while since the last time i updated my blog..hmmm i slow down with my blogging business..hehehe its not that i dont like it but it will just take all my time and ended up of taking my family for granted..anyhow i have another business to attend too, to keep me busy everyday..right now, i am busy gathering up some information for the CNA program that am planning to take hopefully next month.. I was encouraged by my friend to try this course..I like it too to the fact that you can get the lincense after three weeks of training..the salary is not that bad if you'll able to get a what they said the starting salary of Certified nursing assistant is 15 dollars per hour and of course it will increase as the days goes on.I already told greg that i wanna enroll and take a CNA course..hehehe he is such a very understanding and very supportive husband...which make me thankful to God and makes me love him more..anyway he said yes..NOw, i get so excited for the training.I am so blessed for my friend JIJI voluntered to watch after elijah while i am in school..yeah i know I owe a lot from her..Her help will really be appreciated a lot..hehehehhe..anyway everything is set...I just hope and pray that everything will work out good for me...this will be a good job for least i am still in the line of medical health while waiting for my son to grow up and go to school for me to be able to continue my study as a nurse too..Hopefully God will help me and also will help my plan possible...thanks for reading friends and thanks for visiting my site!